Today (Friday, December 19th 2003) I received an e-mail from a brother in Christ serving at Jinja Full Gospel Church. I decided to do this website to start building this resource page.
Building Bridges, Inc, based in Monticello, MN 55362
P.O. Box 1000
Contact: Hass Hirji-Walji, Executive Director
Note: Got a letter for financial/prayer support on Nov 8th 2004
"SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- There could not be a more stark contrast. As President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda boldly repented of his nation’s sins last month, western news media have increasingly denounced Uganda’s stance opposing gay rights.
President Museveni's prayer of repentance
President Museveni celebrated Uganda’s 50th anniversary of independence from Britain at a National Jubilee Prayers event last month. During the celebration, he did something very unusual for a national leader: he publicly repented of his personal sins and the sins of the nation.
Museveni began his prayer with thanks, then declared his intention to make a firm break with the past:
“Father God in heaven, today we stand here as Ugandans, to thank you for Uganda. We are proud that we are Ugandans and Africans. We thank you for all your goodness to us.
“I stand here today to close the evil past and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for your forgiveness,†Museveni said.
“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation.â€
Next, President Museveni got specific in his acknowledgement of sinful activity.
“We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal."
"Uploaded by invisiblechildreninc on Mar 5, 2012
KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.
Donate to Invisible Children:
For info on Invisible Children:
For official MEDIA and artist REPRESENTATION ONLY: Christina Cattarini
DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer Co-founder of 'Kony' video group detained in Calif
Associated PressBy ELLIOT SPAGAT | Associated Press – Fri, Mar 16, 2012 "SAN DIEGO (AP) — A co-founder of the group behind a viral video about a brutal African warlord was detained by police and hospitalized after witnesses saw him running through streets in his underwear, screaming and banging his fists on the pavement.
Jason Russell of Invisible Children was hospitalized for exhaustion less than two weeks after the release of the 30-minute video he narrated about warlord Joseph Kony, said Ben Keesey, the group's chief executive officer.
"Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalized yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition," Keesey said. "He is now receiving medical care and is focused on getting better. The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday."
"Jason's passion and his work have done so much to help so many, and we are devastated to see him dealing with this personal health issue," the statement read.
San Diego police dispatcher transcripts show neighbors began calling around 11:30 a.m. Thursday to report that a man was running around in his underwear in the city's Pacific Beach neighborhood.
"(Subject) is at the corner, banging his hands on the ground, screaming, incoherent," the transcript continues. "People are trying to calm him down, he's been stopping traffic."
Police Lt. Andra Brown said a 33-year-old man was detained and taken to a hospital for medical evaluation. He was never arrested, and no charges are planned.
"At this point, the police department's involvement in the matter is done," Brown said.
Russell, a San Diego native and graduate of the University of Southern California's film school, narrates the video, which has been viewed more than 80 million times on YouTube. In the video, Russell talks to his young son, Gavin, about Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army.
Gavin's birth is shown at the beginning of the film. At one point, the boy sums up what his dad does for a living.
"You stop the bad guys from being mean," he says.
At the video's conclusion Russell says, "At the end of my life I want to say that the world we left behind is one Gavin can be proud of, one that doesn't allow Joseph Konys and child soldiers."
Gavin replies: "I'm going to be like you dad. I'm going to come with you to Africa."
The video's overnight success has brought heightened scrutiny to the San Diego-based nonprofit over its tactics and spending practices.
The group has been criticized for not spending enough directly on the people it intends to help and for oversimplifying the 26-year-old conflict involving the LRA and its leader, Kony, a bush fighter wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
The group acknowledges the video overlooks many nuances but said it functions as a "first entry point" that puts the conflict "in an easily understandable format."
Keesey, the chief executive, released a video on Monday to respond to questions about the group's finances, including the amount of money it spends on travel and operations. He said money that directly benefits the cause accounted for more than 80 percent of its spending from 2007 to 2011.
"I understand why a lot of people are wondering, 'Is this just some slick, kind of fly-by-night, slacktivist thing?' when actually it's not at all," Keesey said. "It's connected to a really deep, thoughtful, very intentional and strategic campaign."
Russell has perhaps been Invisible Children's most public face since founding the group in 2005.
"We will always love and support Jason, and we ask that you give his entire family privacy during this difficult time," Keesey said Friday."
"..Human Rights Watch also points out that Kony’s army is down to several hundred and hasn’t been in Uganda for years, which the documentary left out.
A blog set up to criticize the campaign, called Visible Children, said money from Russell’s group “supports the Ugandan government’s army and various other military forces†according to GlobalPost. “Both the Ugandan army and Sudan People’s Liberation Army are riddled with accusations of rape and looting.â€
Russell emphatically denied that any money from his organization is in the hands of any army.
“I’m for peace, not war,†Russell said. “Why would we ever fund an army?â€
Critics also say raising awareness through campaigns like this isn’t enough. Only 31 per cent of Invisible Children’s charity dollars go to helping Ugandans, according to an audit of the organization by Considine and Considine...
Invisible Children and Kony 2012: Avoiding Scams and Irresponsible
"Uploaded by xKapownd on Mar 7, 2012
The cause is just, but the means and practices of this charity are flawed.
Select divulged financial info from Invisible Children:
Charity Navigator:
This isn't my normal content style, for that go here:
My twitter:!/MurkaDurkah
No gameplay because I felt it would detract from the message.
"Ugandan Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi launched Saturday an online response to a viral campaign to arrest rebel commander Joseph Kony to counter the "false impression" that the country is in conflict.
In a video broadcast on YouTube, and in a flurry of messages posted on Twitter, Mbabazi invited 20 celebrities including Hollywood or music stars such as Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Rihanna.
"As PM (Prime Minister) of Uganda, I appreciate your interest and invite you to visit. We have peace,stability and great people" he wrote in a tweet to celebrities, using the #KonyisntinUganda.
The video, "Kony 2012", by US advocacy group Invisible Children, has been viewed by over 80 million people worldwide since it was released online last week, with a string of celebrities tweeting links to the emotional film.
"It is particularly welcome to see so many young people uniting across barriers of nation, race, religion and culture to take a stand for justice, I salute you and I thank you," Mbabazi said in the video.
"I extend the invitation not just to the 20 celebrities, but to you all -- come and see Uganda for yourself -- you will find a very different place to that portrayed by Invisible Children," he added.
Jason Russell, the 33-year-old co-head of the online campaign, has been hospitalised after being found semi-naked and masturbating in the street in the southern Californian city of San Diego, police and his boss said on Friday.
Mbabazi, speaking to the camera in the simple broadcast filmed at his office desk, said he wanted to correct the "well intentioned" video, pointing out that "Joseph Kony is not in Uganda," and that the country is "not in conflict."
Kony's ruthless rebels were infamous for mutilating civilians and abducting children to use as soldiers and sex-slaves during their two-decade war in northern Uganda.
But they have been forced out of Uganda and since 2006 have been operating in neighbouring countries.
Kony, a semi-literate former altar boy, took charge in 1988 of a rebellion among northern Uganda's ethnic Acholi minority, to fight the Kampala government it wanted to replace by a regime based on the bible's Ten Commandments.
He is accused by the International Criminal Court of the rape, mutilation and murder of civilians as well as forcibly recruiting child soldiers.
Regional armies launched a hunt in 2008 to capture Kony after he repeatedly refused to sign a peace deal with Uganda. But he remains at large alongside a clutch of fighters.
"We do not need a slick video on YouTube for us to take notice," Mbabazi added. "It is a tragedy which we have been dealing with for many years, and the scars of which we Ugandans will bear for many years to come."
Secrets KONY 2012 Is Desperate to Hide
"Kony 2012, hyped on the backs of celebrities and do-gooders, is revealed for what it is-- a propaganda salvo for a continent wide invasion of Africa.
Research makes clear that KONY is a full on deception for geostrategic positioning vis-a-vis China for oil and mineral resources, as well as an effort to legitimize the U.S. military's AFRICOM unit in the region through newly-branded "humanitarian" interventions.
It is not only War in the name of Peace, but an attempt to empower the International Criminal Court under the influence of NGOs and other related globalist corporate interests.
Obama has already deployed 100 special forces troops to the central African region back in October 2011, and a resolution in Congress-- on the heels of KONY 2012's viral views of more than 100 million-- seeks to send more forces there for an all out invasion on the pretext of hunting down a shadowy warlord with less blood on his hands than an average African despot."
Exposing KONY 2012 and Invisible Children’s Right-Wing Evangelical and CIA Relationship
The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store
The first in a three part series that chronicles the opaque US advocacy group known as “Invisible Childrenâ€, their latest money-raising campaign KONY 2012, and their globalist ties.
Patrick Henningsen
April 17, 2012
"Tales of the LRA and Kony have again been reignited, as the KONY 2012 campaign’s urgent April 20th deadline approaches. The attempt by evangelical-based business Invisible Children Inc to craft the mythology around Joseph Kony as public enemy number one as a ’Bin Laden Lite’, demonstrates more than anything the emotive power of film, and film as propaganda.
Quite simply, Invisible Children are meant to serve as the new cultural influencers, or “culture makers†who will do the community public relations work that softens the ground for the globalist establishment agenda embodied in organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the United Nations.
Although quiet about its religious affiliation, Invisible Children’s organization is staffed almost exclusively with young, ‘Christian activists’ and could very well have support links to other Christian evangelist organizations, some of whom have historical links to the CIA, and round table groups like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Many of these also share links with the powerful clandestine US religious-based right-wing Christian political fraternity known as “The Family“, also known as “The Fellowship“.
Invisible Children’s link to The Family explains how KONY 2012 was fast-tracked on to the desks of politicans in Washington DC. A recent expose on Invisible Children explains:
Among the current and past Invisible Children leaders and employees with professional and social ties to Fellowship members are Jason Russell, Laren Poole, Ben Keesey, Ben Thomson, Adam Finck, James A. Pearson, and Jared White – who in late 2009 went on a cross-Africa motorcycle trip with three young Americans who are working to develop The Fellowship’s programs in Uganda, including Eric Kreutter – son of Tim Kreutter, The Fellowship’s longtime American leader on the ground in Uganda.
If properly audited, one might discover seed funding and foundation grants records that could show whether or not Invisible Children and their KONY 2012 PR campaign are direct financial and political beneficiaries of this powerful and secretive neoconservative, evangelical faith-based fraternity in the United States, a web of power with international outposts all over the world – hidden behind the curtain of evangelical Christian missions and aid NGOs.
One of Invisible Children Inc’s corporate business partners is Better World Books, who promote the idea of Carbon trading and off-sets to children in the US, as well as promote new dystopic books aimed at children like popular new tilte, The Hunger Games....
"Uganda (MNN) ― "Is eight years enough to forget that you killed your mother? In eight years, can you forget that you had to laugh and clap while your brother was hacked to death with a machete? In eight years, can you forgive your cousin who did it?"
These words haunt those who watch the Every Child Ministry video about Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army.
The LRA was in Uganda for years, forcing over 30,000 children to perform heinous acts. Although the group left Uganda eight years ago to terrorize Congo and Sudan, the scars of the atrocities forced upon the people remain raw.
For the last six years, ECM has been tending to the wounds of many Ugandans.
"ECM's role has been a long-term commitment to help one of the devastated communities there to rebuild. And that has included everything from building huts and latrines, to digging wells, to the most important job of rebuilding lives through the power of Jesus," explains ECM's Lorella Rouster.
This intensive care for one community is vital. Just one of the issues ECM counselors have had to deal with has been mothers considering leaving their children. Women who were widowed at the hands of the LRA sometimes receive offers of marriage again, but under the stipulation that their children cannot come along.
Children who have survived so much horror in their lives would be utterly devastated by abandonment. ECM counselors have convinced many mothers to refuse marriage and stay with their children.
It's just one of the trials that the broken people of Uganda face daily. Another overarching theme is guilt. Although many Ugandans have been told they are not responsible for the crimes they were forced into by the LRA, they feel the guilt of murder, rape, and other evils. When ECM first began to work with this Ugandan community, Rouster says the people "looked like zombies," with hopelessness written all over their faces.
But in the last six years, ECM has been able to introduce hope in a 12-pronged, long-term program. The ministry provides sewing classes for women, Bible lessons, practical care, and more. As the people have been introduced to these things, they have also been introduced to the forgiveness offered by Christ.
"The Gospel is the only message that is powerful enough to heal a land like northern Uganda," notes Rouster. And she knows from experience. She has watched the faces of many in the community transform from hopeless shells to joyful beacons of Christ's love. The truth of His forgiveness and peace has slowly begun to transform a community.
There is still a long road to recovery for many in this village, and for kids in particular. Sponsorship through ECM is one simple way to help. Learn more here.
Click here to watch ECM's video about the effects of Kony and the LRA on Uganda. "
The Global Soap Project recovers and recycles soap from American hotels and facilitates a process by which it is sanitized, melted and remolded into new bars, then distributed to refugee camps in Africa.
There is an almost infinite supply of available hospitality industry soap with 4.6-million hotel rooms in the United States; an estimated 2.6-million soap bars are discarded every day. Repurposing this waste can greatly improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of displaced persons, one bar of soap at a time....
"BE ALERT. This is foul ball territory." That warning comes standard with an order of rolled egg and flat bread called rolex at Kato Swaibu's food cart in Lugazi, Uganda. An unassuming sugar town along the well-traveled road between the capital of Kampala and the tourist magnet of the Nile River, Lugazi is about to become known for a more unlikely export -- baseball.
"It used to be worse," Swaibu adds while gesturing to a long cinder block wall topped with barbed wire. "There was no wall before." The Mehta Corporation erected it to enclose a humble housing community called New Colony. The town of Lugazi survives on the success of Mehta, which was started by an Indian immigrant in 1913 and became the first multinational company to spring from Uganda. Its sugar production surrounds Lugazi on all sides and employs many of its 35,000 citizens. A customer enjoying some tea at Swaibu's stand explains, "Without Mehta, there is no Lugazi. They can put the wall up if they want."
On the other side of the enclosure, there is a patchy field of grass, and a little bit of magic. That yard produced the second African team ever to qualify for the Little League World Series in the 60-year history of international teams competing in Williamsport, Pa. The first was also from Uganda, just one year ago, but that team from Kampala never made it to America due to incomplete and sloppy documentation. The effort to get better documents was much better with assistance from the U.S. Embassy and more involvement from Little League International. The Lugazi players will play their first-round game against Panama on Aug. 17.
Tracing the beginnings of the game in Uganda is tricky, but Lugazi may have been the first real cradle. A missionary group called Unlimited Potential International and started by former minor leaguer Tom Roy brought baseball to Lugazi in the late 1980s, and a young boy named Henry Odong was among the early curious participants. He developed a strong love for the game as his body grew, and it didn't stop growing until he was an imposing 6-foot-5 man with broad shoulders. That size earned him the nickname "Bouncer."
Jay Shapiro
The yard on the other side of this wall produced Africa's second team ever to qualify for the Little League World Series.
Bouncer, more than anyone, is responsible for keeping baseball alive in Lugazi for the past few decades while pockets of interest in the game fizzled and sometimes thrived in other parts of the country. "Most of the boys here lead difficult lives," he explains. "Many are orphans. But baseball gives them a family." Bouncer, a father of three boys and an engineer for Mehta, doesn't just coach baseball -- he still plays. "I'm the oldest ballplayer in Uganda," he proudly boasts, "I never want to stop."
He leads practices just about every day for the boys who gather as the schools let out. This year's team is comprised almost entirely of students from the nearby Mehta Primary/Secondary school, making the process of gathering the U.S. State Department documentation easier.
Baseball in a place like Uganda doesn't seem to make much sense. It is a country with profound failures in infrastructure and society. But through the combined efforts of Japanese Peace Corps workers, a few dedicated Americans like Richard Stanley, who has built a baseball complex south of Kampala, and most importantly, local leaders like Bouncer, the game is thriving and the talent is apparent. The players go through defensive drills and batting practices that look and sound familiar to any baseball fan. Their collection of used equipment, mostly from Japanese and American sources, is scarce and every piece is precious.
So, when a foul ball bombards the patrons at Kato's food stand, the chef tells them, "You have to throw it back. The kids on the other side of the wall know how to use it better than you."
And now the world will get to see just how well they use it.
Jay Shapiro is a filmmaker who has been following Uganda baseball for three years for his upcoming documentary, "Opposite Field."
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Uganda team finally arrives at LLWS
Uganda faces Panama on Friday at 5 p.m. ET on ESPN2
Updated: August 20, 2012, 10:50 AM ET
SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — He helped bring baseball to Uganda nearly two decades ago, but when Allan Johnson last visited the African nation in 2009 the villagers were still playing the game on rocky soccer fields dotted with cows, goats and anthills.
The players had no shoes and used slabs of cardboard for bases. Some had learned to hit by setting an empty water bottle filled with sand on a bucket to make a tee.
And yet, the villagers had come to make miracles on those dusty fields. They nourished the game with unbridled love, and a team of poor 11-year-old boys who lived in huts with no electricity had somehow qualified for the 2012 Little League World Series half a world away.
Johnson had to see it for himself. So he packed a bag and drove 90 miles from his home in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, to Calgary International Airport, then took two planes and drove another 80 miles to reach South Williamsport.
He made it to the facility Friday afternoon and climbed a huge hill until he finally found Henry “Bouncer†Odong, the manager of the Ugandan team, the man he taught to throw a change-up 16 years earlier.
“He’s here!†Odong shouted. “You made it!†He rushed over and wrapped his arms around Johnson, lifting him off the ground and into a 30-second embrace.
Both men struggled to make sense of it all — how this group from the sugar-farming village of Lugazi became the first team from Africa to make the Little League World Series. How these young players, who had only recently seen a television for the first time, became the focus of news conferences filled with reporters pointing cameras and tape recorders at them.
How their love for the game — the way they welcomed grueling eight-hour practices simply because it allowed them to play — captured the hearts of Williamsport these past two weeks.
After Uganda lost to Panama in its opening game Friday night, playing on a pristine field in new red uniforms, white pants and black-and-white cleats, Johnson stood in the bleachers and bowed his head.
“When they went and shook hands I just stood there and cried my eyes out,†Johnson said. “This is unbelievable. They’re used to playing in front of seven people and a few cows and goats. These kids have nothing, and here they are at this amazing place.â€
It took another amazing turn Tuesday, when Uganda defeated Oregon, 3-2, in its consolation game to earn the first Little League World Series victory for an African country — one more acknowledgment to the growth of the sport.
Johnson worked as a Christian missionary for Unlimited Potential Inc., when the group started making trips to Uganda to “share the Gospel and teach baseball,†he said. He met Odong in 1996 and the young man peppered Johnson with baseball questions. Odong told Johnson he dreamed of playing in the major leagues.
UPI stopped making trips to Uganda around 2005, and Johnson left the game in the hands of Odong, a hulking man with a piercing smile. Other outsiders also stepped in to help carry on the baseball tradition in Uganda, including Richard Stanley, a chemical engineer from Staten Island who is a part owner of the Double-A Trenton Thunder. Stanley, who serves as a coach on the Ugandan team, invested $2 million into the program.
“It’s just that they have this dream and desire to play,†Stanley said. “All they want to do is play. ‘Just give us a chance. That’s all we’re asking for. Let me play, Coach. Let me play.’ â€
Since arriving in central Pennsylvania last week, the Ugandans have been in the batting cages by 6:30 each morning, taking swings while the other 15 teams were asleep. The boys cannot wait to play each day. They want to wring as much out of their experience as possible, savoring the simple pleasures of playing Ping-Pong and swimming in the pool at the players’ compound.
“They wish they could stay here in America,†Odong said. “They are not even thinking about going back home. They said they want to stay here and play ball.
“Being here provides a lot of hope for these kids. It gives them that feeling that they are also people.â€
Uganda advanced to Williamsport by winning the Middle East/Africa Region and defeating teams from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. A team from Kampala, Uganda, was thought to have made it last year, but they were denied visas because of discrepancies over the players’ ages and birth dates.
Baseball’s popularity is growing in Uganda, but more kids still prefer soccer, cricket and running, Odong said. Equipment and ball fields remain scarce.
Stanley, 69, is working to establish a baseball academy that would include a school. He said it would not charge tuition and players could stay overnight for free. He expects interest in baseball to boom in Africa after this World Series, considering the media exposure the Ugandans have garnered.
After the team’s loss to Panama, 21 reporters pointing video cameras and tape recorders and typing on laptops crammed into a news conference to listen to Odong and two of his players recount their experience.
When asked the best part about being here, Uganda catcher Justine Makisimu said, “To hit the ball.â€
Johnson and another former missionary, Jim Nelson, waited outside the stadium to congratulate Odong after the news conference Friday night. A golf cart waited to whisk Odong back to the players’ compound.
“Madam, may I just go?†he asked a chaperone, preferring to walk.
She relented and Odong, with Johnson and Nelson at his side, began navigating the crowd. Children stopped him and asked for autographs. Men stepped in and asked for pictures, Odong scooping their children and holding them near his smiling face.
The following day, Uganda was eliminated from title contention with a 12-0 loss to Mexico. The game played out in front of a packed stadium, the crowd groaning with every Uganda strikeout, then cheering wildly when they simply made contact with the ball.
“This is something I didn’t expect,†Odong said. “People are rooting for us — even when we are losing.â€
Canada thrills Uganda with Little League tour
"Uploaded by AlJazeeraEnglish on Jan 17, 2012
The dream of a young Ugandan team to become the first African squad to play in the Little League World Series was dashed when their entry visas to the US were denied due to improper documents.
In response, the Canadian national team, which was scheduled to play against the Ugandans in the first round, raised money and flew to Africa on a goodwill tour.
During their visit, the Canadians have donated equipment, held training sessions and helped turn wasteland into baseball diamonds.
Al Jazeera's Malcolm Webb reports from Mpigi in Uganda.
"(CNN) -- A Somali Islamist militant movement on Monday claimed responsibility for a trio of bombings that killed at least 74 people Sunday at two venues in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, where crowds had gathered to watch the World Cup final...
Rage said young suicide bombers carried out the attacks but did not specify their nationalities. "May Allah accept these martyrs who carried out the blessed operation and exploded themselves in the middle of the infidels," he said. ...
Eighty-five people were injured in the Ugandan blasts, Kayihura told reporters. They were transferred from the national hospital to a privately owned hospital in Kampala, he said. U.S. officials said five Americans were among the wounded....
The 74 fatalities included 28 Ugandans, one Irish citizen, one Indian, one American and 11 people who are either Ethiopian or Eritrean, according to the Ugandan government...
*see Sports: Soccer, FIFA, Futbol/Football, World Cup, etc... & African: Somali-Somalian of Somalia-Soomaaliya Outreach American killed in Uganda was dedicated to service
By Chris Reinolds Kozelle
July 12, 2010 7:06 p.m. EDT "...The nonprofit organization works with Ugandan children affected by decades of war between rebels and government forces. Rebels abduct the victims -- referred to as invisible children -- and force them to fight the government. Some younger girls are forced into sex slavery...
Invisible Children Co-Founder Jason Russell said Henn was in Uganda to visit his relatives and work with the organization. On Monday, two Invisible Children's founders headed to Uganda to assist in returning the remains to his parents in North Carolina...
Joseph Kony
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Joseph Kony, "..Kony, armed with prophecies that he said he received from spirits who came to him in dreams, ordered the LRA to attack villages, murdering, raping, and mutilating in a campaign of intimidation that displaced some two million people. Children were abducted and brainwashed into becoming soldiers and slaves. Kony convinced them that holy water made them bulletproof. Children who resisted or tried to escape were beaten to death by their peers. Kony was reported to have taken as many as 50 of his female captives as “wives.†By 1996 the government began setting up secure camps. Children living in villages in northern Uganda became known as “night commuters,†walking miles every evening to the relative safety of the camps or towns in hopes of avoiding abduction. Kony's aim for the LRA was never particularly specific beyond the ouster of Museveni and the establishment of a new government based on the Ten Commandments... Hard Target
May 15, 2009 8:00 PM EDT
The hunt for Africa's last warlord "..Kony is arguably the most-wanted man in Africa. Uganda's government has been chasing him for 23 years, ever since he donned a woman's dress, claimed to be channeling the spirit world and vowed to topple the country's president, Yoweri Museveni. Kony is a law unto himself. He claims to run the LRA according to the Ten Commandments, but he and the hundreds of forcibly conscripted children who serve as his killing squads are feared throughout the region for their horrific levels of brutality and the butchery of tens of thousands of defenseless civilians. Their swath of destruction has displaced well over 2 million people. Kony has forced new male recruits to rape their mothers and kill their parents. Former LRA members say the rebels sometimes cook and eat their victims. w. bush set his sights on Kony almost as soon as he was sworn in as president. Early on in his first term, Bush told his new assistant secretary of state for African affairs, Jendayi Frazer, that he wanted to "do something" about southern Sudan, a breakaway Christian and animist region of the Muslim-dominated country. Bush's interest gave Ugandan President Museveni the opening he craved. Museveni had transformed his country into a relatively peaceful and prosperous place since fighting his way to power 15 years earlier, and he believed it would be a model nation if not for Kony, whose murderous raids extended into southern Sudan. In a 2001 meeting with Bush, Museveni appealed for help. "Can you give us some helicopters?" Frazer recalls the Ugandan leader asking. "We've got this terrorist." Bush lobbied hard for the military aid and got Kony placed on a "terror exclusion list" that gave the United States much broader powers to intervene. "Museveni was happy," says Frazer. "We did it partly because we felt it was appropriate, but also to give ourselves some leverage on how to deal with [Kony]."..
*I've met this fellow brother in Christ via e-mail when he found me through one of my websites.
-Kampala, Uganda-with Bob Lidfors (from Germany) connected with City Hill Fellowship in Eden Prairie, MN (Outfitters for Adventure-Morris Commmunity Church-church plant ministry
Lemar visits Uganda in east Africa with Christian Aid and meets a farmer who tells him that they are noticing the effects of climate change with weather patterns becoming confused and less predictable. Read more about Lemar's trip at "
"Out in select theaters September 27th.
In an incredible twist of fate, a Scottish doctor (James McAvoy) on a Ugandan medical mission becomes irreversibly entangled with one of the world's most barbaric figures: Idi Amin (Forest Whitaker). Impressed by Dr. Garrigan's brazen attitude in a moment of crisis, the newly self-appointed Ugandan President Amin hand picks him as his personal physician and closest confidante. Though Garrigan is at first flattered and fascinated by his new position, he soon awakens to Amin's savagery - and his own complicity in it. Horror and betrayal ensue as Garrigan tries to right his wrongs and escape Uganda alive. "
Related Sites: Wikipedia " an award-winning novel by journalist Giles Foden. Focusing on the rise of Ugandan President Idi Amin and his reign as dictator from 1971 to 1979, the novel is a fictional memoir of a Scottish doctor in Amin's employ based on impressions of actual events..."
"Posted By worldtrumpetmission 3 years ago
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Much can be learned about the heart of God by studying the lives He has touched. This is especially true of times in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ has moved in power across entire communities and cities. This documentary is a rare glimpse into the spiritual dynamics that opened the door for God to move across an entire nation. In this 18 min. excerpt from the full version "The Trumpet Call - A Snapshot of Revival" the power of God in response to prayer is highlighted. Learn more about the ministry that produced it at
*expelled Jews, Americans, foreigners, etc..
"Uganda (MNN) ― Safina and her twin sister, Moreen, have decided to follow Jesus. despite their father's rebuke, they won't be turning back.
The girls converted from their Muslim faith after attending a Book of Hope screening of the GodMan film. Each girl received a Book of Hope and wanted to be saved after viewing Christ's crucifixion.
"I knew I had to be saved," said Moreen, after seeing Jesus on the cross. Christian friends had told the girls about the death and resurrection of Jesus, but they couldn't understand why Christians would worship a God who could be killed.
Safina was amazed at the way Jesus shared everything with His disciples and at His tangible His love for them. After viewing the crucifixion scenes, Safina realized that her Christian friends hadn't been lying when they said that their God had died and come back to life.
After reading about how Jesus had died for their sins, Safina and Moreen understood Christ's death and wanted to follow Him.
The GodMan is a computer-generated, photo-realistic film version of the Book of Hope, which tells the story of Jesus and can be targeted toward a particular country or culture. Book of Hope uses the book and film together because the film causes excitement about reading God's Word, and the book generates excitement about seeing the film.
Primarily-oral cultures, like many of those in Africa, have only one or two people per village that can read. Book of Hope has produced a "Storying Edition" for these people to use in telling the story of Jesus to the entire village, with corresponding illustrations from the film.
The film had been shown on a Friday night, and the girls announced their decision on Saturday morning to follow Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The twins attended church for the first time on Sunday, and they have gone faithfully since. Their father doesn't stop them from attending church, but he does disapprove of their decision. He often berates the girls for leaving Islam. Please join the girls as they pray for their family's salvation.
"I don't feel good about what he says," said Safina, "but I want to be saved and be a child of God."
To learn more about Book of Hope's work in Uganda, click here. "
"KAMPALA, Uganda — When billions of barrels of oil reserves were found in Uganda five years ago, the discovery seemed like a gift from heaven to many in this poor, landlocked country...
Yet there are growing worries that the oil may prove to be more of a curse than a gift, similar to the fates of other countries in sub-Saharan Africa that have joined the petroleum bonanza. Uganda is considered by international experts to be among the most corrupt nations in the world, and even before oil production has begun, several senior government officials, including the prime minister, have been accused of pocketing millions of dollars in bribes from oil companies, forcing at least one of the politicians to resign.
The web of scandals may delay the much-anticipated starting date of oil production, adding to the already volatile politics in Uganda, which has recently been the scene of one of the most active protest movements in sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda’s Parliament voted in an emergency session in mid-October to freeze all oil contracts and begin investigations of the country’s prime minister, internal affairs minister and foreign minister, all of whom are close to the president and have been accused of taking money from Tullow Oil, a British company in Uganda that was scheduled to complete a $2.9 billion deal with the Ugandan government and two other companies to produce Uganda’s oil. Tullow has denied the accusations. ..
According to American diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks, Tullow Oil accused the Italian company ENI of trying to bribe Ugandan politicians, including Mr. Museveni and the prime minister, with more than $200 million to secure oil rights held by Tullow’s onetime partner, Heritage Oil, a British company. One cable cites a Ugandan intelligence report given to the American Embassy by Tullow. But Tullow Oil itself helped write the intelligence report, the cable said. ..
*see Issues: Greed, Greedy, Elite, Money, Power, Pride, Rich, Wealthy, etc...
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